Kids & Youth

Growing together.

We are Next Gen Focused

At Rockaway AG we are Next Gen focused.
From our Sunday, "Kids' Church" to our Focus Youth Group and Family Matters Service we believe in the importance of pouring out to the youth of our community God's love, grace and unrelenting love.
All children are welcome to join us as they learn and grow in their faith.
Pastors Jake & Jenn, our Next Gen Pastors are committed to
supporting our children in their walk of faith from infant through to young adulthood.
If you would like to learn more please reach out to them here.

Kids & Youth Activities

Visit our Events Page for a listing
of all our special events for our youth and teens.


Next Gen Club (Pre-k-12th Grade)
 7:00pm Lower Level of church
Focus Student Ministry 7:00pm (church)


Rock Kids 10:15am (Lower Level of church)